Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bilingual OR Bis_ xual...!

Applying for a job has never been a stress inducing situation all the time..
Requirements are met in terms of the Job ad and yet there's a request for " BILINGUAL"!!
What does this mean??
I think all business should be refrained from going into China! That way no one has to be restricted of a career in terms of language barrier!

Well wat happens if the companies shift to India! Do we need all to know HINDI and the many other languages in INDIA if we want to see rice on the plate?
I think we should not buy products from the comapnies that are enforcing such restrictions of employment that are totally biased! Instead, we whould only purchase from companies with many different workforce.

Wats so big about knowing another language which the praticing ethnic group staunchly denies a learning opportunity for new hires! Are the customers solely only one group??? They, the hiring company should be based on the "Orient Empire" and not on our shores!
This way, they employement based on language barrier will not be praticed..
Some half baked bugger who can even pronounce the
Resonant & Lingo from mainland,comes to the drive bue in our neighbouring country for a LIVING!!(SURVIVAL). But wat about those companies already in the neighbourhood!! Are they also looking for Immigrants to be employed instead of the locales??!

What should we do to this kind of COMPANIES in M'sia??

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